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Environmental Initiatives
Taking action on SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals)
SDG Initiatives
Marusan Industry Co., Ltd. is built on the principle of “Living with cotton, expanding new markets for cotton, and creating the 21st century of cotton.”
The important issues and our SDG initiatives are defined as follows, and through cotton, we wish to solve social matters and contribute to a sustainable world.
Important issues tackled by Marusan Industry Co., Ltd.
・Waste reduction and proper management/treatment
- ・Reduction of harmful chemical substances and proper management
- ・Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions
・Improving product quality
- ・Improving communications with business partners
- ・Complying with regulations
・Establishing a fair evaluation system
- ・Efforts in human resource development
What are the SDGs?
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were the International Agenda adopted at the United Nations in September 2015. The “2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” is comprised of 17 goals and 169 targets for a sustainable world that ‘leaves no one behind,’ and is being carried out over 15 years from 2016 through 2030.
Marusan’s concern for the environment as a company that handles natural cotton materials.
We promote environmental conservation activities that include the manufacturing of products that are safe and stay in keeping with laws and regulations and the prevention of pollution, aiming to be a corporation that widely contributes to the world. We implement environmental measures that encompass the entire lifecycles of the products, work to raise energy-conservation awareness, and are improving energy efficiency.
Environment Declaration
Environmental policy
Ⅰ.Supply products and services with a focus on environmental conservation
Reduce energy consumption by using less material and through efficient manufacturing.
Actively market environmental conservation products.
Promote activities that increase understanding of our products’ effectiveness in contributing to environmental conservation.
Research, plan, and design new environmentally-friendly products that meet consumers’ potential needs.
Ⅱ.Promotion of environmental management activities
Comply with relevant regulations.
Set specific environmental conservation goals. Practice PDCA (plan, do, check, act/review) cycle in order to meet these goals.
Conduct educational training to raise awareness among all employees about the importance of environment conservation.
(3)Official announcements
Share our philosophies and activities on environmental conservation with the community.
Ⅲ.Cooperation and participation in environmental activities
(1)Social activities
Get involved in the environment-focused social activities as much as possible.
Listen to local community members and promote environmental conservation together.
(2)Small, daily activities that each employee can do
Staying mindful of saving extra electricity (lower temperature setting on heater, turn lights off, conserve water, etc.).
Through efficiency and conservation, use less of everything, including expendable items.
Zero Emissions
As part of our environmental protection activities, we are working toward “zero emission,” a recycling effort that eliminates waste. Through this effort, we are cutting CO₂ emissions and creating recyclable energy.
Solar Power
Starting with the setting up of solar panels in our Ozu Plant in 2013, we are committed to installing solar panels in increments at all plants of our main office and group companies. We are advancing efforts to install additional environmental protection equipment in the future.